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Todo lo publicado por Seian
ah :( :( pero vas a venir?..o solo viniste asi nomas? no vale che
esto no va aca -.-' TOM!!!!, ya era hora que vinieses ^^ soy kai te espero adentro bolo... ^^
[1º Cambio de Clase] SCAVENGER ; enanos
Seian responde a belzebu de tema en NOVEDADES Y CONTRIBUCIONES
.. el mas largo de toadas las quest (en escritura) che.. podrias haber cmpactado todo en un post jajajaj.. hay como trecientos.. a menos que hivi se tome l amolestaide crear una seccion que diga.. cambios de prof -
Quest: To Lead and be Led (Clan Oath Armor)
Seian responde a Seian de tema en MOBZONE | IMAGENES | VIDEOS
jaja.. es barato de hacer.. te entretenes haciendola... y es solo si estas adentro de una academia -
lo graciosos es que no entiendo que paso? se estan levitando?
Quest: To Lead and be Led (Clan Oath Armor)
Seian responde a Seian de tema en MOBZONE | IMAGENES | VIDEOS
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nivel 19 To Lead and be Led Clase: Todas Raza: Todas Localización: Gludio (Blacksmith) NPC que la empieza: Pinter (Blacksmith) Repetible: No Grupo: No Recompensa: Clan Oath Set Robe, Light, o Heavy. Requisitos: No haber completado el segundo cambio de clase, pertenecer a la academia de algún Clan, tener un Sponsor en el Clan. PD: para comenzar con esta quest, el miembro de la academia que quiera empezar con esta quest debe de tener ya elegido y puesto el sponsor (ser el aprendiz de un miembro del Main Clan) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ La quest empieza hablando con Pinter, en el Blacksmith de Gludio. Hay que seleccionar la quest To Lead and Be Led (la segúnda es para el Sponsor, que tendra que escogerla más adelante). Te habla de un nuevo tipo de armadura. Te pide que mates Maille Lizardman, Maille Lizardman Scout y Maille Lizardmen Guards en las Maille Lizardman Barracks a las afueras de Gludio, tienes que conseguir 10 Blood of Maille Lizarman. Son mobs con hp 1/2 de nivel 20 aproximadamente, más o menos la mitad dan el item de quest. No son agro pero se apoyan entre ellos. Cuando tengas las 10 vuelve a hablar con el Blacksmith Pinter en Gludio. Primero te preguntará que tipo de armadura quieres, y cuando hayas elegido el tipo te pedirá que tu Sponsor le lleve una cantidad de cristales D-Grade (711 para Robe, 771 para Light Armor, 922 para Heavy Armor). Si te equivocas al elegirla no puedes cambiar, así que asegurate de elegir el tipo de armadura que quieres. Una vez tu Sponsor tenga los cristales tiene que ir a hablar con el Blacksmith Pinter en Gludio, debes estar con él. Tu sponsor tiene que elegir la quest To Lead and be Led (Sponsor). Cuando acaba de hablar con tu sponsor, tienes que volver a hablar con el Blacksmith Pinter. Te pedirá que le traigas 8 Legs of King Araneid. Los King Araneid estan en las afueras de Gludio, tu Sponsor tiene que estar contigo cuando las mates. Los King Araneid son agros, y son apoyados por los Lizardman y las demás arañas, por lo que lo mejor es pullear a los King Araneid hasta donde no haya otros mobs y matarlos ahí. Una vez tienes las 8 Legs of King Araneid, solo falta hablar con el Blacksmith Pinter de nuevo y te dará todas las piezas de la armadura que hayas elegido.
No lo pierden aka explica que es Lienage 2!!!!
Seian responde a FENIXRU de tema en MOBZONE | IMAGENES | VIDEOS
buena.. me escrache con ese gorro.. jajaj.. aca estoy mejor ^^
juaz.. el siguiente soy yo, cuando consiga las 3 partes que me faltan desl set eh vuelto!!!
Feliz Cumle batu!! que la pases bien PD: yo no se que me paso con las fotos.. actualize el juego, y me saco todas las fotos -.-
mas fotos.. (hace tiempo no posteo jaja) tomando una siesta en el Sopi (Pero como nos hicieron comer piso (estaba bugueada la sala, por eso morimos asijaja) alguna vez vieron a Baium en Aden?.. y pisando a Hivitro.. no saben lo que se pierden jajaj Y A ANTHARAS!!!!
Alguien Invito a Fenix de Vacaciones??
Seian responde a hivitro de tema en NOVEDADES Y CONTRIBUCIONES
jajajaja.. hace ejercicio.-.no? jaja estan activados los trajes de banio entonces? -
jajajjajajajajaja.. viste mi comercio va creciendo!!! ARRIBA KAIEL!!!! xDxD (te recomiendo que compres una pascualinera..que la estamos sacando ahora recien del horno..para hacer pascualinas jajaj)
jajajaj yo soy un viejko japones que hacia cosas ..y yo que pensaba que Seian era un nombre inventado por mi maldicion http://rca.open.ed.jp/web_e/city-2001/emigration-s/person/e_5h.html y aca.. el arte.. lo mejor.. lo fantastico.. LO INNIGUALABLE!!! ARTE KAIEL!!!!!!!!!!!! (clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap) jajajaja.. naaaaaaaaaa...que cagada.. miren http://www.kaielarte.com.ar/#
Video:: Mobzone Argentina Server!!!!!
Seian responde a hivitro de tema en NOVEDADES Y CONTRIBUCIONES
muy bueno ^^ te felicito!! (nose..yo no lo vi..pero aparecioel nombre Sabri? xDxD -
shermi.. que pasó?.... si tenes dificultades, no dudes en decirmelas, pero no tires todo a la mierd.. (que yo lo hubiese hecho antes, pero solo hay que preguntar, e insistir, sin sobrepasarse, (ahora tiraría a mi buffer a la -.--.--.--.--.--.-)) vamo arriba que se puede!! decime donde te trancastes que te ayudamos
entra ahora que tenog algo de tiiempo
uhm que lastima que yo me haba deconectado a esa hora (a las 8 aprox) te huibiese ayuydado, pero sui te conectasahora te ayudo..pasa que estoy teniendo problemas con los horarios, el liceoc se me esta cocmplicando:(
[WallPapers]Bueno Les dejo Los primeros de Mobzone
Seian responde a hivitro de tema en MOBZONE | IMAGENES | VIDEOS
weee me gusta mas la primera..tiene mas efectos (coo es eso de que paresco fantasma?) -.- jaja -
Paladin: Spellbook Remedy: Enchanted Iron Golem (43) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Iron Will: Saytr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Sacrifice: Unicorn Elder (55) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Holy Blessing: Enchanted Stone Golem (42) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Holy Strike: Liele Elder (52) / The Enchanted Valley Phantom Ranger: Spellbook Hex: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Phantom Summoner: Spellbook Summon Souless: Liangma (49) / 2nd Floor Cruma Tower Spellbook Summon Spark Cubic: Hatu Windus (40) / Bee Hive Spellbook Servitor Blessing: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Summon Phantom Cubic: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Mass Poltergeist Cubic: Gigant Raider (39) / Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis Spellbook Summon Nightshade: Grave Keeper Dark Horror (40) / Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis Spellbook Transfer Pain: Giant Fungus (40) / Sea of Spores Spellbook Servitor Haste: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Magic Shield: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Physical Shield: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Cure: Vault Priest (47) / Worshipers Necropolis Spellbook Servitor Empower: Vault Priest (47) Worshipers Necropolis Plainswalker: Spellbook Spirit Barrier: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Prophet: Spellbook Word of Fear: Water Giant (45) / Garden of Eva Spellbook Bless the Body: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Magic Barrier: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Invigor: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Return: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Bless the Soul: Liele Elder (52) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Haste: Liele Elder (52) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Bless Shield: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Death Whisper: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Guidance: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Shillien Elder: Spellbook Wild Magic: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Greater Heal: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Greater Group Heal: Enchanted Stone Golem (42) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Purify: Forest Runner (50) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Death Whisper: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Guidance: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Shillien Knight: Spellbook Summon Vampiric Cubic: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Hex: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Phantom Cubic: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Life Leech: Giant Fungus (40) / Sea of Spores Spellbook Summon Viper Cubic: Saytr Elder (54) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Lightening Strike: Unicorn Elder (55) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Corpse Plague: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Shillien Saint: Spellbook Arcane Protection: Tomb Preacher (77) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Prophecy of Wind: Lilim Greater Mystic (78 ) / Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Block Shield: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Silver Ranger: Spellbook Spirit Barrier: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Sorcerer: Spellbook Rain of Fire: Hell Keeper Medusa (58 ) / Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis Spellbook Surrender to Wind: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Aura Flare: Shackle (45) / Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Blazing Circle: Shackle (45) / Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Blazing Skin: Shackle (45) / Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Prominence: Shackle (45) / Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Seed of Fire: Fallen Orc Captain (60) / Forsaken Plains Spellbook Elemental Assault: Gamlin (60) / Giant's Cave Spellbook Aura Symphony: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Inferno: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Sleeping Cloud: Forest Runner (50) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Cancel: Saytr Elder (54) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Decay: Saytr Elder (54) / The Enchanted Valley Soultaker: Spellbook Arcane Power: Arcane Power Spellbook Curse of Abyss: Tomb Guard (75) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Curse of Doom: Tomb Guard (75) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Mass Mage Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Mass Warrior Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Dark Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Spectral Master: Spellbook Mage Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Assassin Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Spellbook Final Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Spellhowler: Spellbook Surrender to Wind: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Vampiric Claw: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Silence: Enchanted Iron Golem (43) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Seed of Wind: Fallen Orc Captain (60) / Forsaken Plains Spellbook Elemental Storm: Gamlin (60) / Giant's Cave Spellbook Aura Symphony: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Demon Wind: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Shadow Flare: Nightmare Guide (43) / Tanor Canyon Spellbook Hurricane: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Tempest: Saytr Elder (54) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Death Spike: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Curse Death Link: Unicorn Elder (55) / The Enchanted Valley Spellsinger: Spellbook Aqua Splash: Hell Keeper Medusa (58 ) / Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis Spellbook Aura Flare: Shackle (45) / Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Seed of Water: Fallen Orc Captain (60) / Forsaken Plains Spellbook Elemental Symphony: Gamlin (60) / Giant's Cave Spellbook Mana Regeneration: Lakin (44) / Hunter's Valley Spellbook Aura Symphony: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Bizzard: Innersen (60) / Skyshadow Meadow Spellbook Aura Bolt: Nightmare Guide (43) Tanor Canyon Spellbook Solar Flare: Nightmare Guide 43 Tanor Canyon Spellbook Freezing Skin: Fline (45) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Frost Bolt: Fline (45) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Hydroblast: Fline (45) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Surrender to Water: Fline (45) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Freezing Shackle: Forest Runner (50) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Ice Dagger: Forest Runner (50) The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Sleeping Cloud: Forest Runner (50) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Frost Wall: Unicorn Elder (55) / The Enchanted Valley Storm Screamer: Spellbook Arcane Power: Arcane Power Spellbook Arcane Chaos: Tomb Guard (75) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Dark Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Spellbook Wind Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Swordsinger: Spellbook Spirit Barrier: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Temple Knight: Spellbook Spirit Barrier: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Storm Cubic: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Life Cubic: Saytr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Warcryer: Amulet Chant of Eagle: Satyr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Amulet Chant of Predator: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Amulet Steal Essence: Timak Orc Archer (41) / Timak Outpost Amulet Chant of Fury: Timak Orc Overlord (45) / Timak Outpost Amulet Chant of Vampire: Timak Orc Shaman (44) / Timak Outpost Amulet Chant of Evasion: Timak Orc Soldier (42) / Timak Outpost Amulet Freezing Flame: Timak Orc Soldier (42) / Timak Outpost Amulet Chant of Rage: Timak Orc Warrior (43) / Timak Outpost Amulet Chant of Revenge: Crendion (62) / Tower of Insolence Warlock: Spellbook Summon Kai the Cat: Liangma (49) / 2nd Floor Cruma Tower Spellbook Summon Binding Cubic: Hatu Windus (40) / Bee Hive Spellbook Servitor Blessing: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Summon Queen of Cat: Farhite (39) / Field of Whispers, Alligator Beach Spellbook Summon Mass Storm Cubic: Gigant Raider (39) / Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis Spellbook Transfer Pain: Giant Fungus (40) / Sea of Spores Spellbook Servitor Haste: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Magic Shield: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Physical Shield: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Cure: Vault Priest (47) / Worshipers Necropolis Spellbook Servitor Empower: Vault Priest (47) Worshipers Necropolis Warsmith: Blueprint Summon Big Boom: Fallen Orc Captain (58 ) / Forsaken Plains Blueprint Summon Wild Hog Cannon: Fallen Orc Captain (58 ) Forsaken Plains Blueprint Summon Siege Golem: Hatar Hanishee (49) / Plains of Fierce Battle
Guia de drops de Spellbooks Lista de drops de spellbooks, diferenciadas por clases, actualizada C4. Abyss Walker: Spellbook Hex: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Arcana Lord: Spellbook Mage Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Warrior Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Final Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Spellbook Warrior Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Archmage: Spellbook Arcane Chaos: Tomb Guard (75) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Fire Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Bishop: Spellbook Prayer: Sepulcher Sage (62) / Ascetics Necropolis Spellbook Might of Heaven: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Requiem Enchanted: Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Greater Battle Heal: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Greater Group Heal: Enchanted Stone Golem (42) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Greater Heal: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Restore Life: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Benediction: Spiteful Soul Leader (65) / Devastated Castle Spellbook Mass Resurrection: Hatar Hanishee (49) / Plains of Fierce Battle Spellbook Purify: Forest Runner (50) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Body of Avatar: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Repose: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Hold Undead: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Vitalize: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Bladedancer: Spellbook Hex: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Cardinal: Spellbook Divine Protection: Tomb Preacher (77) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Balance Life: Lilim Slayer (75) / Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Mass Block Shield: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Spellbook Mass Block Wind Walk: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Dark Avenger: Spellbook Reflect Damage: Enchanted Monstereye (41) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Dark: Enchanted Stone Golem (42) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Life Scavenge: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Horror: Liele Elder (52) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Hamstring: Saytr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Iron Will: Saytr (48 ) The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Corpse Plague: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Elemental Master: Spellbook Warrior Bane: Lesser Ancient Shaman (76) / Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Final Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Spellbook Wizard Servitor: Forgotten Ancient People (77) / Silent Valley Elemental Summoner: Spellbook Summon Unicorn Merrow: Liangma (49) / 2nd Floor Cruma Tower Spellbook Summon Aqua Cubic: Hatu Windus (40) / Bee Hive Spellbook Servitor Blessing: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Summon Storm Cubic: Manashen Gargoyle (40) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Unicorn Seraphim: Farhite (39) / Field of Whispers, Alligator Beach Spellbook Summon Mass Aqua Cubic: Gigant Raider (39) / Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis Spellbook Transfer Pain: Giant Fungus (40) / Sea of Spores Spellbook Servitor Haste: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Magic Shield: Fline Elder (51) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Physical Shield: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Summon Life Cubic: Saytr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Servitor Cure: Vault Priest (47) / Worshipers Necropolis Spellbook Servitor Empower: Vault Priest (47) Worshipers Necropolis Elven Elder: Spellbook Advanced Block: Hell Keeper Medusa (58 ) / Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis Spellbook Wild Magic: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Might of Heaven: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Resist Shock: Enchanted Monstereye (41) Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Greater Heal: Manashen Gargoyle (40) Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Serenade of Eva: Water Giant (45) / Garden of Eva Spellbook Party Return: Hatar Hanishee (49) / Plains of Fierce Battle Spellbook Return: Liele (46) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Bless Shield: Valley Treant (47) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Vitalize: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Eva's Saint: Spellbook Arcane Protection: Tomb Preacher (77) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Divine Protection: Tomb Preacher (77) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Prophecy of Water: Lilim Greater Mystic (78 ) / Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Block Wind Walk: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Heirophant: Spellbook Elemental Protection: Tomb Preacher (77) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Prophecy of Fire: Lilim Greater Mystic (78 ) / Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Block Shield: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Spellbook Block Wind Walk: Ketra Orc Shaman (79) / Ketra Orc Outpost Mystic Muse: Spellbook Arcane Chaos: Tomb Guard (75) / Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens Spellbook Ice Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Spellbook Light Vortex: Hot Springs Nepenthes (75) / Hot Springs Necromancer: Spellbook Mass Show: Cyrpt Sage (62) / Catacomb of the Witch Spellbook Vampiric Claw: Enchanted Gargoyle (44) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Curse Discord: Enchanted Iron Golem (43) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Curse Fear: Enchanted Iron Golem (43) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Silence: Enchanted Iron Golem (43) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Summon Corrupted Man: Enchanted Stone Golem (42) / Crater of Ivory Tower Spellbook Curse Disease: Dismal Pole (58 ) / Devastated Castle Spellbook Summon Cursed Man: Grave Keeper Dark Horror (40) / Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis Spellbook Curse Gloom: Lakin (44) / Hunter's Valley Spellbook Summon Reanimated Man: Saytr (48 ) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Anchor: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Death Spike: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Forget: Unicorn (49) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Curse Death Link: Unicorn Elder (55) / The Enchanted Valley Spellbook Corpse Burst: Valley Treant Elder (53) / The Enchanted Valley Overlord: Amulet Honor of Paagrio: Sepulcher Sage (62) / Ascetics Necropolis Amulet Ritual of Paagrio: Hell Keeper Medusa (58 ) / Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis Amulet Speed of Paagrio: Dismal Pole (58 ) / Devastated Castle Amulet Soul Guard Soul: Water Giant (45) / Garden of Eva Amulet Rage of Paagrio: Lakin (44) / Hunter's Valley Amulet Tact of Paagrio: Giant Fungus (40) / Sea of Spores Amulet Glory of Paagrio: Timak Orc (40) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Winter: Timak Orc (40) / Timak Outpost Amulet Wisdom of Paagrio: Timak Orc (40) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Suspension: Timak Orc Archer (41) / Timak Outpost Amulet Shield of Paagrio: Timak Orc Archer (41) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Scourge: Timak Orc Overlord (45) Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Flame: Timak Orc Shaman (44) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Silence: Timak Orc Shaman (44) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Gloom: Timak Orc Soldier (42) / Timak Outpost Amulet Seal of Mirage: Timak Orc Warrior (43) / Timak Outpost Amulet Sight of Paagrio: Timak Orc Warrior (43) / Timak Outpost Amulet Heart of Paagrio: Wishing Potion Quest (30) / West of Ivory Tower
crero ue no terminas de ser groso ^^ AGUANTE MOBZONE!!!
Muchas felicidaes ^^ (fenix..entras ingame?)
mas fotos ^^ Miren lo que es una maga Arquera (ta muy sexy) Aca con Sei (de amarillo patito jajaj) Aca ccon Petiso y Hivi (Petiso y yo comprando en el lux)