hivitro Publicado 10 de Julio del 2023 Reportar Publicado 10 de Julio del 2023 Todos conocemos el efecto de inicio de la Película Matrix, ha sido reproducido en cantidad de Wallpapers y screensavers pero en este caso en particular, reproducido en una PC IBM XT gracias a un efecto de Ghosting o arrastre del cursor, una particularidad que tienen los monitores originales IBM 5150. Lo bueno, incluye el código en ASM para poder compilarlo y reproducirlo, si tienes el Hardware indicado GitHUB: 1
hivitro Publicado 10 de Julio del 2023 Autor Reportar Publicado 10 de Julio del 2023 Codigo en Assembler para modificar a gusto: ; That 'digital rain' effect from the Matrix. It's designed to look ; like it's on an old-school green screen monitor, with the trailing ; letters having an afterglow from a high persistence phosphor. ; ; But most modern implementations simulate the afterglow. Have you ; ever wondered how it would look on an _actual_ green screen monitor ; like an IBM 5151? ; ; Well wonder no more! Here's a short program that assembles into a ; small .com file that will run on an old PC. Ideally something like ; a 5150 with a Monochrome Display Adapter connected to a 5151 monitor. ; ; This should 'run' on CGA too, but the trailing effect relies on a high ; persistence phosphor to work properly. ; To assemble using nasm: ; nasm -f bin -o digirain.asm ; ; I provide no warranty etc. for this code. Feel free to use it ; as you see fit, but please credit me if you do. ; ; - Oli Wright 2021 ; ; ; ; We want to make sure we can run on an IBM PC 5150, so.... [CPU 8086] NUM_SPRITES EQU 128 SLOWEST_SPEED EQU 0x0800 ; Speeds in 1:15 fixed-point format FASTEST_SPEED EQU 0x2000 ; characters per frame SPEED_INCREASE_PER_SPRITE EQU (FASTEST_SPEED - SLOWEST_SPEED) / NUM_SPRITES ; Structure of sprite data BYTES_PER_SPRITE EQU 8 OFFS_HORIZONTAL_POS EQU 0 OFFS_VERTICAL_POS EQU 2 OFFS_ADDRESS EQU 4 OFFS_CHARACTER EQU 6 section .text ; .com files always start 256 bytes into the segment org 0x100 jmp start ; Yo! db '>- -<' start: mov ax,0x0002 ; 00: Set video mode, 02: 80 column text int 0x10 ; Read location 0040:0063 to test if we're on CGA or MDA mov ax,0x0040 mov es,ax mov ax,[es:0x0063] cmp ax,0x3b4 mov bx,0xb000 ; Segment for MDA text mode je skip_cga mov bh,0xb8 ; Segment for CGA text mode skip_cga: mov es,bx ; Video segment into ES ; Disable the cursor mov ah,0x01 mov ch,0x3f int 0x10 ; Initialise random number seed from the timer xor ax,ax mov di,ax int 0x1a ; Int 1ah/ah=0 get timer ticks since midnight in CX:DX mov [random_seed],dx ; Use lower 16 bits (in DX) for random value ; Initialise all the sprite data mov cx,NUM_SPRITES mov di,sprites mov bl,100 xor ax,ax init_sprite_loop: ; We deliberately leave some fields uninitialised to save code space. ; Arrange things so that they'll be initialised during the first iteration ;mov [di + OFFS_HORIZONTAL_POS],ax ; Leave uninitialised mov [di + OFFS_VERTICAL_POS + 1],bl ; Off screen mov [di + OFFS_ADDRESS],ax mov [di + OFFS_CHARACTER],cl add di,BYTES_PER_SPRITE loop init_sprite_loop frame_loop: ; Check for ESC pressed mov ah,0x0b int 0x21 cmp al,0 je start_frame ; No STDIN waiting mov ah,0x08 int 0x21 cmp al,27 jne start_frame ; Not ESC ; Shutdown mov ax,0x0002 ; 00: Set video mode, 02: 80 column text int 0x10 mov ah,0x4c int 0x21 ; Terminate start_frame: xor ax,ax mov si,sprites mov cx,NUM_SPRITES mov dx,SLOWEST_SPEED sprite_loop: ; Erase the old sprite mov di,[si + OFFS_ADDRESS] mov al,' ' mov [es:di],al ; Move sprite downward mov ax,dx ; Speed in 1:15 format push cx ; Save cx sprite counter mov cl,5 shr ax,cl ; Convert speed to 6:10 format or al,1 ; Make sure the lsbs constantly change add ax,[si + OFFS_VERTICAL_POS] cmp ah,100 ; Off the bottom of the screen? jl skip_reset_sprite ; Reset sprite push dx mov ax,25173 ; LCG Multiplier mul word [random_seed] ; dx:ax = LCG multiplier * seed add ax,13849 ; Add LCG increment value ; Modulo 65536, ax = (multiplier*seed+increment) mod 65536 mov [random_seed],ax ; Update seed xor dx,dx mov cx,80 div cx ; I should be able to use an 8-bit div here, but it crashes DosBox mov ax,dx ; Remainder of divide by 80 shl ax,1 pop dx mov [si + OFFS_HORIZONTAL_POS],ax xor ax,ax skip_reset_sprite: mov bh,[si + OFFS_VERTICAL_POS + 1] ; Load previous msbs of vertical pos mov [si + OFFS_VERTICAL_POS],ax ; Store the new vertical position cmp ah,bh je skip_change_character ; Change to a new random character mov bh,al ; Start with the LSBs of the vertical pos xor bh,dl ; Mix in the LSBs of the vertical speed and bh,0x7f ; Restrict to a more pleasing add bh,0x21 ; character range mov [si + OFFS_CHARACTER],bh skip_change_character: ; Calculate start of row mov cl,10 shr ax,cl ; Get integer part of vertical position mov bl,160 mul bl ; Add the horizontal position add ax,[si + OFFS_HORIZONTAL_POS] ; Save the final address of the sprite mov di,ax mov [si + OFFS_ADDRESS],ax ; Write the character and attribute to video memory mov al,[si + OFFS_CHARACTER] pop cx; ; Restore cx as sprite counter mov ah,cl ; Use the sprite counter to choose attributes and ah,0x08 ; - Bright for half of them or ah,0x07 ; - All are 'white' mov [es:di],ax ; Next sprite add si,BYTES_PER_SPRITE add dx,SPEED_INCREASE_PER_SPRITE loop sprite_loop jmp frame_loop section .bss random_seed: resw 1 sprites: resb NUM_SPRITES * BYTES_PER_SPRITE 1
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