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OpenMu- Termidor666


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OpenMu Season 3 Episode 1
- Server Name: OpenMu
- Website : http://openmu.com/
- Version: Season III + Episode I
- Server is from: Bulgaria
- Server hosted in France
- Experience: 99999x
- Item drop: 100%
- Monster HP: 100%
- Points per level: 30
- Maximum Points: 65450
- Reset: From the site / command (/reset)
- Reset cost: 1,000,000 Zen
- Maximum level: 999
- Level for reset: 400
- Points per Reset: Keep stats
- Maximum resets: 999
- Grand Resets: Unlimited
- Minimum level for delete Hero: 1
- Minimum level for create Guild: 220
- PK Clear: From the site / command (/pkclear)
- PK Clear cost: 1,000,000 Zen for a murder
- Clear Inventory: No
- Clear Spells: No
- Clear Stats: No
- Bless Bug: Off (use /zen)
- Skin enabled for users (/change *number*)

Opportunities For Success

- Jewel Of Soul success: 100%
- Jewel Of Soul success + Luck: 100%
- Jewel Of Life success: 80%
- Item +10 success: 100%
- Item +11 success: 95%
- Item +12 success: 90%
- Item +13 success: 88%


- Blood Castle Event
- Devil Square Event
- Chaos Castle Event
- Illusion Temple Event
- Golden Invasion
- Dragon Invasion
- Kundun Invasion Event
- White Wizard Attack Event
- Automatic Drop Event
- Valley of Loren Invasion Event
- Balgass Army Event
- Castle Siege

GM|Administrator Events

- Drop Event
- Race Event
- Find Event
- Bring Me Event
- PvP Event
- Last Man Standing Event
- Tournament Events
- Question Event
- Scramble Event
- Guardian Event
- Spawn in my coordiantes Event
- Pick Up The Item Event
- Guild Events

and many more!

Informacion del Servidor es activo y estable desde el 2009

OpenMu is server running since Octomber 2009.
Official website: http://openmu.com/

- Version: Season 3 Episode 1 no bugs or modifications
- 1 Game servers - PVP
- Experience: 999999999x
- Drops: 99%
- Box of kundun + 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 in shop
- Excellent items in shop
- Daily GM events
- Webshop
- Unique payment methods
- Active community team
- 24/7 Online Dedicated Server

- Servers:
- Server 1 (PVP)
- Post chat on

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/OpenMu/160104284016825?fref=ts

Forum: https://forum.openmu.net/

Website: https://openmu.com/

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