Dianna Publicado 3 de Septiembre del 2019 Reportar Publicado 3 de Septiembre del 2019 Open Beta :31/8/19 Horario :20 or 21hs GTM +2 Gran Open Oficial : 12/9/19 Horario: 20 or 21hs GTM +2 Rates : Exp : x50 Spoil : x20 (chance / drop ) Spoil Keys :x15 (chance ) x 1 (drop ) Blue Spoil Enable Craft Fundation: 3%(retail ) PTS Feauture. Drop : x20 Adena : x20 Safe enchant +4 / Max +16 Quest Drop x2 Quest Reward x1 Normal Scroll 50% Blessed Scroll 65% Elemental Stone 45% Crystal Stone 35% Buff Time: 2 Hrs Buff Slot 24+4 Dance Slot 12 Debuff Slot 8 Trigger Slot 12 Weight X 6 Manor X 8 Mana Potions -> 1000/10 with Ctrl + Click feature Comand Channel DualBox: 4 Clients + free offline stores Chat Global active Macro Reuse Disabled Features : Foundry Foreman/Knoriks/LoA Mobs - Lethal/Anchor/Fear. Moobs: PTS AI Champions mob chance 3% . Champion min lvl 20. Champion max lvl 75. Cloak Slot open. Clan Leave Penalty 12 hs. Spoil Champions: x2. Ctrl+Click Potions LOA Quest (Dont Known - Dont Care) every 12 hours +- 2. Skill Formula Oficial Freya Hard - Vorpal Zone - Disable on openning. Active after 10 & 7 days Hide Animations on Instances! See and Test InGame Core & Orfen: Level 85 with Boosted Jewel Drop Core &Orfen Global PvP and Flag event. Healers Rewards per assist's on Events. Queen Ant - Display Damage Taken. See and Test InGame Online Counter on Every Zone. Two Global Votes Cancel: 2-3 buff random Cancel on events: Return on Events only Raid Bosses Event Epics Antharas and Valakas: 30 minutes after join Automatic Donate command .donate 1 Char per PC on Epic Zones. Unique feature 100% to prevent bots Epics - Grand Bosses Valakas: Every 10 days +- 2 hour random. Antharas: Every 8 days +- 2 hour random. Baium: Every 5 days +- 1 hour random. Queen Ant: Every 36 Hours +- 5 mins random. Orfen: Every 40 Hours +/- 15m random respawn. Core: Every 72 Hours +/- 15m random respawn. Beleth: Every Thursday Instances : Freya Easy mode (85) 9 Players Min Lvl 82 Command channel: NO Daily Limitations: NO Drop by Categories Check Drop & Info here Freya Hard mode (85) Min: 18 Player Video / Animations: Off. Level min: 85 Lvl Daily Limitations: NO Command channel: Yes Drop by Categories Elegia by Each Categorie (Max possible drop 5 pieces per instance) Added Vorpal Items on Drop Check Drop here Frinteeza (87) 9 Players Min Lvl: 82 Command channel: NO Necklace Chance: 60% Drop by Categories Zaken Daytime Easy (60) Requeriment: 9 players Lvl 52-65 Command channel: NO Limit time: 1 hr. Drop by Categories Zaken Daytime Hard (83) Requeriments: 9 Players 82-85 Lvl Command channel: NO Time limit: 2Hrs Drop by Categories - Check Drop Here Zaken NightTime (60) Requeriments: 18 players Command channel: Yes Time Limit: 2Hrs Earning Chance: 100% Drop by Categories - Tiat (83 12 players Command channel: Yes Time Limit: 2Hrs Daily Limitations: (1 p/day) Drop by Categories 80 % Chance = Claw of Destruction Vorpal & Low Freya weapons drop chance added. Delusion (60 - 70 - 75 - 80 - 82 - 85) 2 players Command channel: No Time Limit = 1 hr. Daily Limitations: (6 p/d) Crystal Chance by AI ZONES Puedes contactarnos en : Web Fan Page Foro TE ESPERAMOS TE LO VAS A PERDER ,VEN A VER ESTE NUEVO PROYECTO!!! 1 1
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