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Lineage 2 Freya - Equipamiento - Joyas - Armas - Armaduras

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Con la actualización de Freya de Lineage 2, se nos presenta una nueva armadura conjuntos con nombre: Destino, Eligy, Bofess y Elegia. También se introducen nuevas armas, además de accesorios nuevos o joyas. Lea más acerca de estos como sigue.


Heavy Armor Destiny (craftable)

Physical Attack +4.26%, Attack Speed +4% protection against attack magic +2%, resistance to Stun +50% +2% magic protection, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +3, allows to wear the mantle . STR +2, CON -2. Some of the values on the screenshot are outdated.


Light Armor Destiny (craftable)


Physical Attack +4.26%, Attac


Heavy Armor Destiny (craftable)

Physical Attack +4.26%, Attack Speed +4% protection against attack magic +2%, resistance to Stun +50% +2% magic protection, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +3, allows to wear the mantle . STR +2, CON -2. Some of the values on the screenshot are outdated.


Light Armor Destiny (craftable)

Physical Attack +4.26%, Attack Speed +4%, +3% movement speed, resistance to Root / Paralysis +50% +2% magic protection, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +3, allows to wear the mantle. DEX +2, CON -2.


Destiny Robe set (craftable)


Magic Attack +8.11%, Magic +15% speed, protection from attacking magic +5%, resistance to Root / Paralysis +50%, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +3, allows to wear the mantle. WIT +2, MEN -2.


Heavy Armor Bofess (drop only)

Physical Protection of +8.47%, +5.57% physical attack, protection from attacking magic +2%, HP increased by 541, resistance to Bleed / Root / Sleep +50%, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5, allows to carry mantle. CON +2, STR -2.


Light Armor Bofess (drop only)

Physical attack / defense +5.57%, Attack Speed +5% +3% movement speed, resistance to paralysis +50%, protection from fire / water / wind / earth 5, allows to wear the mantle. STR +1, DEX +2, CON-3.


Bofess Robe set (drop only)

Magic attack +8.7%, Magic +15% speed, speed recovery MP +5%, resistance to Stun +50%, can carry the mantle. WIT +2, MEN -1, INT -1.


Heavy Armor Elegia (drop only)


Physical Attack +6.59% critical strike chance +12.74, resistance to Bleed / Root / Sleep +50%, protection against attacking magic +2%, HP increased by 550, the protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5, restores HP from physical melee attack, can wear the mantle. STR +3, CON -2. Some of the values given on the screenshot are outdated.


Light Armor Elegia (drop only)

Physical Attack +6.59%, Attack Speed +6% critical strike chance +17.05, resistance to Paralysis +50%, +3% movement speed, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5, allows to wear the mantle. STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2.


Elegia Robe set (drop only)


Magic Attack +10%, Magic +15% speed, speed of recovery MP +5%, resistance to Stun +50%, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5, allows to wear the mantle. WIT +2, INT +1, MEN -2.







Nuevas armas Preview





Incessant Core (S86, 1-h sword, 437 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/Focus(134)/Haste(9%)


Mamba Edge (S86, dagger, 382 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - HP Drain(4%)/Haste(9%)/Critical Damage(1060)


Expowder Mace (S86, 1-h blunt, 437 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - HP Regeneration/HP Drain(4%)/Health(25%)


Pereztear Hammer (S86, 2-h blunt, 532 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/HP Drain(4%)/HP Regeneration


Lavamond Saw (S86, 2-h sword, 532 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/Focus(134)/Haste(9%)


Jademice Claw (S86, fist, 532 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/Critical Stun(43%)/Focus(134)


Ghost Cleaner (S86, spear, 437 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Guidance(8)/Haste(9%)/Health(25%)


Sacredumors (S86, 1-h magic blunt, 350 p.atk, 256 m.atk) - MP Regeneration/Mana Up(30%)/Acumen(15%)


Psyskilt Cane (S86, magic 2-h blunt, 426 p.atk, 281 m.atk) - MP Regeneration/Magic Hold(20%)/Empower(177)


Archangel Sword (S86, magic sword, 350 p.atk, 256 m.atk) - Acumen(15%)/Magic Hold(20%)/Mana Up(30%)


Recurvethorne Bow (S86, bow, 794 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Focus(139)/Crt.Slow(44%)/Cheap Shot(8%)


Heavenstair Rapier (S86, rapier, 396 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/Focus(139)/Haste(9%)


Pyseal Blade (S86, ancient sword, 473 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Health(25%)/Focus(134)/Haste(9%)


Thorne Crossbow (S86, arbalet, 487 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Focus(139)/Crt.Slow(24%)/Cheap Shot(12%)


Mamba Edge*Angel Slayer (S86, dual dagger, 437 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Focus(109) on +4


Incessant Core*Forgotten Blade (S86, duals, 532 p.atk, 192 m.atk) - Focus(109)+Health(10%) on +4


Periwing Sword (S85, 1-h sword, 415 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(134)/Haste(9%)/Health(25%)


Skull Edge (S85, dagger, 363 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Haste(9%)/Crt.Damage(1000)/HP Drain(4%)


Vigwik Axe (S85, 1-h blunt, 415 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - HP Regeneration/HP Drain(4%)/Health(25%)


Evildeity Maul (S85, 2-h blunt, 505 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - HP Drain(4%)/HP



Feathereye Blade (S85, 2-h sword, 505 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(134)/Haste(9%)/Health(25%)


Octoclaw (S85, fist, 505 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Crt.Stun(43%)/Focus(134)/Health(25%)


Doubletopa Spear (S85, spear, 415 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Haste(9%)/Health(25%)/Guidance(8)


Cuticle (S85, 1-h magic blunt, 332 p.atk, 244 m.atk) - Mana Up(30%)/Acumen(15%)/MP Regeneration


Blackvisage (S85, 2-h magic blunt, 404 p.atk, 268 m.atk) - Magic Hold(20%)/Empower(167)/MP Regeneration


Veniplant Sword (S85, magic sword, 332 p.atk, 244 m.atk) - Magic Hold(20%)/Mana Up(30%)/Acumen(15%)


Skullgrove Bow (S85, bow, 768 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Crt.Slow(33%)/Cheap Shot(8%)/Focus(139)


Gemtail Rapier (S85, rapier, 376 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(139)/Haste(9%)/Health(25%)


Invincible Blade (S85, ancient sword, 449 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(134)/Haste(9%)/Health(25%)


Rudecutter Crossbow (S85, arbalet, 471 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Crt.Slow(24%)/Cheap Shot(12%)/Focus(139)


Skull Egde*Naga Storm (S85, dual dagger, 415 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(109) on +4


Periwing Sword*Sirra's Blade (S85, duals, 505 p.atk, 183 m.atk) - Focus(109)+Health(10%) on +4


Heavengate Shield (S86, shield, 413 p.def)


Evilgate Shield (S85, shield, 399 p.def)


Vesper Shield (S84, shield, 371 p.def, rare version - magic resistance increase)


Tysandy(?) Shield (S82, shield, 355 p.def, rare version - magic resistance increase)


Pricklelotus Sigil (S86, sigil, 21 p.def)


Belleface Sigil (S85, sigil, 19 p.def)


Vesper Sigil (S84, sigil, 17 p.def, rare version - magic resistance increase)


Tysandy(?) Sigil (S82, sigil, 17 p.def, rare version - magic resistance increase)


Joyería Nueva rara añadido



Freya's Necklace





+23% Mp Regen

+20% Bleed, Paralysis, Shock Attack/Defense

+10 Water Attack

+10 Water Defense

+10% Mental Attack/Defense

5% Skill Reuse Bonus

5% Damage Reflect

4% Vampiric Rage


Blessed Freya's Necklace

+50 MP

+46% MP Regen

+25% Bleed, Paralysis, Shock Attribute/Defense

+10% Mental Attack/Resist

+15 Water Attack

+15 Water Resist

+5% Skill Reuse Bonus

+5% Clarity

+5% Damage Reflect

+4% Vampic Rage

+2 MEN

+1 CON

-1 STR

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