Azakal Publicado 21 de Agosto del 2017 Reportar Publicado 21 de Agosto del 2017 Hi ! There is a problem that ss dont turn on every time on hit right before make an attack. Can you fix it because it makes less dps to all opponents....
hivitro Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2017 Reportar Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2017 I have read that this is a known problem on many servers based on this project.I ask because I still could not see the problem.When you activate the SS, they are activated, but you see that when you hit, it does NOT deduct 1? And the hit DPS is smaller?Thanks for comment, we will try to recreate the error to be able to find a solutionTell me what grade of SS was, NG, D, C, B; All??
Azakal Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2017 Autor Reportar Publicado 23 de Agosto del 2017 All. I activated ss on shortcut. SS works on hit BUT not on EVERY hit, not on every attack. DPS is smaller because when you need 8 hits to kill mob, you need 7 because 3 of them are not supported by SS...That is an example of course;)
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